عمر28 سال بہت خوبصورت عالمہ لڑکی– رشتہ درکار


Zaroorat Rishta Name bhati Age 28 Years Live In Lahore

A beautiful عالمہ girls looking match ,need urgent rishta in any city of Pakistan age 28 .

Basic Information
Profile Created By:Relatives
Name: maheen bhati
Marital Status:Single
Children/Living with you?:
Education and Occupation
Income (Rs/Month Or USD/year):60,000 –330,000 Rs
Socio Religious Background
Sect:اسلام علیکم جی میرے گھر والے شادی کے لے تیار ھیں.
Caste: bhati
Language:urdu and punjabi speaking
Appearance and Lifestyle
Height:5ft 2in
Weight:50 kg
Body Type:hand sum ,sehatmand
Complexion:خوبصورت عالمہ عورت
Family Details
Number of Brothers:2
Number of Sisters:0
Number of Married Brothers:2 married brother
Number of Married Sisters:0 married sister
Family Details:
Partner Preference
Looking For:urgent rishta from good family
Age:18 to 47
Education:Not matter
Country Living in:Anywhere
Resident Status:Pakistani
Expectations:اچھا لگتا ہو۔ماڈرن ہو۔پڑھا لکھا ہو۔اچھی شخصیت کا مالک ہو۔
ہم کوئی فیس نہیں لیتے۔ ہم کسی نقصان کے ذمہ دار نہیں ہیں۔ Community Verified icon
Community Verified icon we are not charging any fee.we are not responsible for any loss
Community Verified icon All of the website’s data is collected from the Internet, and their accuracy may not be guaranteed.

6 thoughts on “عمر28 سال بہت خوبصورت عالمہ لڑکی– رشتہ درکار

  1. Ma’am I have read your post and wanted to contact you. I am single never married. I wish you will consider me to see if I am right for you. I am living my I d here ma’am. Hope you will contact me.
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  2. i am saif from pakistan serving in pakistan navy looking for real woman to make a realation with her .you are elegant, respectable girl with high morals. if you like the same as i am then text me back afternoon brings faith,Evening brings love,Night brings rest,Wish u find them all today

  3. اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎
    جناب ہم شادی کے لیے تیار ہے
    میرا واٹسپ نمبر ہے

  4. مفتی محمد عامر صدیقی عمر 43 سال لاہور

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